Sunday, September 29, 2013

What's in a name?

It's hard to name fish because they don't have much personality. So I never gave much thought in fish names. I just call them either by their common name or by their description. For example we have a peacock cichlid that we call Peacock, and a bumblebee cichlid called Bumblebee. Others are Blue Gourami, Big Yellow Guy (or Big Yellow Bastard), Electric Yellow, Three Stripes, and Four Stripes. The only one with an actual name is Fatso, and he just so happens to be the smallest chichlid, but he used to be the biggest.

This is Fatso. He used to be able to fit into that hole on top of the bridge behind him.

Blue Gourami

Big Yellow Bastard


Three Stripes and Four Stripes, best buds.

This albino doesn't have a name, he's a creep.

This one doesn't have a name either, it hides a lot. 

 Electric Yellow


2 new babies, don't have a names yet.

Alex actually came up with the snake's name. Most people may think of Dolly Parton's song, "Jolene," when they hear the name, but it was actually inspired by the CAKE song. Listen to it if you haven't heard it, it's a great song. CAKE: Jolene

Jolene definitely doesn't sound like a typical snake name, so I think it makes it that much better.

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