Thursday, September 12, 2013

My other tank creatures

Other than Jolene, all we have are fish. We decided to go big so we got a 55 gallon tank. After setting up the tank and letting the filter run for about a week we then had to decide on what fish to get. We looked at community fish first since they are good beginner fish and apparently pretty hardy. Well, they just wouldn't stay alive! The pet store had a 2 week guarantee so we kept going back to replace fish, probably dozens. We went through tiger barbs, neon tetras, ghost catfish, angel fish, dead, dead, and dead. The plecostomus couldn't even manage to stay alive. The only fish to survive were a few gourami.

Something had to be wrong here. We had our water tested and found out that the city water had high pH. This may not have been the entire cause, but we researched fish that can tolerate higher pH and settled on cichlids.

We also have 2 clown loaches and one blue gourami (from the first attempt).

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